Wordle Walkthrough Gameplay First Hi Score Mobile Gaming Ads

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What Google play says

Important! This is not the Wordle that has recently taken twitter by storm (although we too are fans). This Wordle was first released back in 2018 and has been lovingly developed ever since. If you like word games please read on and give it a try! We hope you enjoy it! Thankyou.

Wordle – word game – is a free word puzzle with a twist. Train your brain and test your vocabulary by finding as many words as you can within the given time. Simply swipe the letters to build a word, scoring points along the the way. If you enjoy word games you’ll love Wordle!

Wordle combines the best of word searching and word related games making for a truly challenging and addictive experience!

Extend your vocabulary as you go on a word hunt through hundreds of stages each with a different focus

Learn a new language or brush up on your linguistics by choosing from a selection of different dictionaries!

If you enjoy a word search that challenges your brain then play Wordle today!

“Hi, I’m an indie developer with a passion for word games. I created Wordle back in 2018 as a student learning to code, it has since taken on a life of it’s own, exceeding all my expectations. I just want to say a huge thankyou to all those that have played Wordle over the years, I appreciate you all and I’m humbled by the positive feedback I have received. I will endeavor to keep up the work. Thankyou.”


Amanda Hodges

January 27, 2022

Many words are excluded for no reason. Plow? Dorm? Apparently not a word according to them. Neither is Mote or miff or a ton of others. Very annoying. I like the game but unless they plan to expand the words they include, I feel like it’s more frustrating than fun. Update: I appreciate the developers feedback, and will update if it improves
FatCat Studios – Word GamesJanuary 26, 2022
Thanks for your feedback! There was an issue with the inbuilt dictionary within the previous build. We’ve tried our best to fix this issue as quickly as possible and it should be resolved in the current version. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.


January 23, 2022

I’ve been playing this for a couple weeks now. I worked through the 50 levels pretty quickly, so now I just play the Classic. I would have given more stars except for the recent update. The latest update has made the dictionary worse. At least the English dictionary is worse. I can’t play words that I know are words or others that I’ve played since the beginning.
FatCat Studios – Word GamesJanuary 26, 2022
Thanks for your feedback! There was an issue with the inbuilt dictionary within the previous build. We’ve tried our best to fix this issue as quickly as possible and it should be resolved in the current version. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Chemegne S

January 25, 2022

I do like this game. It is addicting. But, I can’t tell what level I’m on when playing in the board of letters. Also, we should be able to find some instructions about the different screens. How do I know that I have gone through all of the levels? What is the line of dashes on the screen that pops up after you finish a game? Give me a place to find this info. Or if it’s somewhere I’m not looking please tell me. Thanks.
FatCat Studios – Word GamesJanuary 26, 2022
Thanks for your feedback! We’ve tried to make the tutorial more easily accessible which can be replayed at any time from the main menu or the settings menu. But we take your feedback on board, it is one of the things we hope to improve on.

escillia allen

January 25, 2022

I finished this game in two days. Which means I enjoyed it, but it was too short lived! It could include more challenges, like minimum length of a word, no repeats, etc. I tried it because I love word games and the origin story of this game, specifically. There are occasional short ads, which aren’t too annoying for me.

Linda Sarber

January 24, 2022

This USED to be a great game until the latest update. Now it is awful. It is slow to respond, screen is “shaky” and has a ghost screen with another board behind it. Words I have been playing/using for several years are not longer valid and it won’t recognize some basic words. Please fix!!!
FatCat Studios – Word GamesJanuary 26, 2022
Thanks for your feedback! There was an issue with the inbuilt dictionary within the previous build. We’ve tried our best to fix this issue as quickly as possible and it should be resolved in the current version. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

dorothy saari

January 27, 2022

I keep making the same words, I don’t get the point of the game. It was fun at the beginning, but now it’s just repetitive and it says I’m only 2% complete. Not sure how to complete the levels.