Wordle Gets A Makeover: How You Can Play The New Board Game

Wordle the party game is the wordle board game inspired by the popular online game of Wordle. The announcement they were working together to bring out a board game based on Wordle, or as the press release said “inspired by Wordle” was made In mid-July, the NY Times and Hasbro Inc. And they have! We’re here to share all the Wordle details as available today along with how you can pre-order the game. The game, called Wordle the Party Game, will allow you to compete against your friends, family and foes.

Wordle is the game that has been sweeping the Internet. With only one hand each day, players have six chances to guess the daily five-letter word. A green square indicates a correct letter in the correct spot and a yellow letter reveals a correct letter in a different spot. #wordle #wordlepartygame #wordleboardgame

Wordle the party game allows Wordle lovers everywhere to compete against others. It can be played by multiple wordle players and wordle lovers can play more than one round each day. Wordle, the party game or the board game version of Wordle will allow those who are passionate about the game to play with their friends, instead of playing the game alone.

Follow me on Twitter: @MarySSchaeffer for a sparkling clue to the day’s puzzle; okay, sometimes they are not so sparkling but they are the best I can come up with on the spur of the moment.

Link to Wordle + Tips

Link to The Book: Wordle: The Rules, Strategy and Expert Tips

Link to the Wordle Play List:

Link to Best Starting Word Revisited

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Host: Mary Schaeffer ( )