Wordle the overlooked issue focuses on an obvious issue that we all seem to forget. When you’re trying to solve a Wordle puzzle, do you assiduously look through the letters trying to identify the ones you haven’t selected to see if they are in the final solution? That’s a decent strategy – to start with. But, if you spend so much time zeroing in on those letters you haven’t selected yet, you may miss the obvious solution. #Wordle #Wordlestrategy

The tips in this Wordle the overlooked issue are ones that all wordle players can use. Two real life examples are included so players can see exactly how the strategy plays out. Wordle is a nuanced game with many twists and turns. There are various world strategies to use to help win. This is one of them.

This video is both for the wordle expert as well as the person just starting to play Wordle, for both will benefit.

Link to Wordle Expert Strategies videos

Link to Wordle and Excel