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Hi Folks,

This is Andrew Briggs from with another tool tip for you.

Today I would like to look at a website called Wordle

Wordle, oops, spelled it wrong, but at least it comes up in the first search result.

Now, Wordle is a website that allows you to generate word clouds.

It’s just a simple tool online that allows you to generate nice looking graphics including lots of words and words of different sizes, shapes, colours, different backgrounds. It just allows you to generate a nice image you may want to put on your website or put on a blog that is related to a certain group of words, say Health for instance, you may put in lots of health words and generate a nice Wordle word cloud.

So, again, it’s very simple, free, something I’ve used in the past. and I’ll do one for my website for this blog post as well.

All you need to do is enter a list of words. So I have a few examples for you. For instance, here’s a list of words related to Internet Marketing, things like ‘Facebook Ads’, ‘Article Marketing’, ‘Solo Ads’, ‘WordPress’, Blah, Blah, Blah.

So just a few words that I jotted down that are related to Internet Marketing and we’ll see what Wordle does with them. Just paste them straight into the input box and just hit ‘Go’.

It just takes a few seconds, and as you see, it just generates an image with all these words you’ve just pasted in and it’s just different sizes, etc. So it’s all quite random.

So, you can hit the ‘Randomize’ button and it will just randomize the settings and it’ll create another image for you, and you can keep going until you find one that you like or you can actually go up and edit a number of the settings, for instance, if you want to change the layout and say, well, I want, instead of the words being mostly ‘Horizontal’ I want them to be ‘Half and Half’. Okay, so it will then begin to generate images that are more to your liking or ‘Any Which Way’ is very mixed. You can also change the colour schemes, so, there you go, you can apply the colour schemes to the words that are already there, and again you can just change the…the way that it generates them, so, it’s sticking to your preference once you’ve chosen a preference from these, from the menus.

A number of palettes there for you. You can also edit palettes, etc. so, pretty good. It’s very quick and it’s really simple and sometimes you just want to rattle through a number of randomized images to see which ones suit you and grab the one that you want. You can save it to a public gallery, or you can print it.

What I would suggest is that you would print it to a PDF using CutePDF or some other tool to allow you to print to a PDF and that means you can resize it to whatever size you want on your web page.

The other option that you can try out is the advanced option where you can load or weight the words so that in the Wordle word cloud the words are emphasised, so for instance, another selection here. The format is the words as they were before but this time you are adding a weight to each word, so as you see, ‘Affiliate Marketing’ has a weight of 200, ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, ‘Google+’ also have weightings of 100. There’s some smaller weightings. ‘YouTube’. So, we should expect to see ‘Affiliate Marketing’ popping up as the largest with a number of the other websites such as ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’,’ Google+’, ‘YouTube’ etc. popping up a little bit smaller than ‘Affiliate Marketing’ but larger that a number of the other options, so, lets just paste that in and have a wee look at the response from Wordle.

So, there you go. ‘Affiliate Marketing’ is large. ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, ‘YouTube’, ‘ Google+’ are smaller, but are certainly still bigger than a lot of the other smaller weighted words and this allows you to make words bigger, especially if it’s appropriate to your website.

That’s quite a good one there, so.

So, I hope you find that useful.
It’s an interesting little tool that you can find you can put to some use creating word clouds for your own website, emphasising certain themes or niches or words to your own liking.
Give it a crack.
Okay, Speak soon

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