The Best Word to Start Wordle

Start Wordle

This puzzle game is not 100% based on luck. You’ll need a special approach to guess correctly in fewer turns. If you use the best word to start Wordle, you have better chances to win. Let’s find out what openers can help you in this challenge.

Frequent Options

Peter Norvig, an American computer scientist, conducted interesting research. The man analyzed materials from Google Books to see which letters are used more often. It turns out that E, T, N, O, I, and N are the leaders.

To make the results more applicable to the game, a different approach is required. The same research should be made only with 2,309 words (5-letter) from the Wordle list. Based on this, we get E, A, R, O, and T. Let’s have a closer look at what you can make out of them.

The Best Word to Start Wordle

The Best Word to Start Wordle

A programmer Bertrand Fan used math to find a guess with the most frequent letters. The man compiled a list of promising openers:


Your aim is not to get the right answer on the first try. The idea is to reveal as many orange and blue cells as possible. Orange denotes the correct position, while blue that this letter is in the word. You can also switch to green and yellow in the settings if you like.

Clever Tricks

Clever Tricks

Now you have the best word to start Wordle, even several of them. Some tools will help you perform better: bot and a special aggregator.

The bot is made by NYT programmers and posted on the official page. It analyzes your round step by step and rates you. You’ll also get tips on what words would have narrowed down the list of options better. It’s useful for self-reflection: you’ll learn to find shorter ways to win the next time.

As for aggregators, there are lots of them online. For example, we liked this one. It’s a special instrument to improve your guesses based on what letters you already know. The more data you give it, the more accurate results you’ll get.

Check out this video. It shows an alternative approach used by a YouTuber.