Continuing from Part 1 ()
In this version we fix the issue from the Python version () where extra letters create redundant clues. If you want to take a look at the code you can get it from here:
0:04 define the main checking/cluing logic as a function (nested-for-loops, if-statements, strcmp)
10:40 print the end-of-game message accordingly (if-statements)
12:30 clean up by releasing the memory allocated (free)
14:30 test-run the program
The Wordle game has taken the internet by storm over the last few months. It has appeared in many people’s social media, TV shows, and even crossword puzzles. And as of Feb 2022, NY Times has acquired this game from the creator for a “low-seven figures”.
In this video I decided to make the game text-based so it’s easier to create the interface. However, you can apply the same logic to create a graphical user interface using builders like GTK or Glade. However, GUI in C can be difficult!
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