Adrian Zhang and Justine Tiu are seeking $250,000 for 5% of their DIY crochet animal kits, The Woobles.
From Season 14 Episode 2
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About Shark Tank: The Sharks – tough, self-made, multi-millionaire and billionaire tycoons – continue their search to invest in the best businesses and products that America has to offer. The Sharks will once again give people from all walks of life the chance to chase the American dream and potentially secure business deals that could make them millionaires.
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Shark Tank US | The Woobles Turned $200 into $5.3m!
18.09.2024Barbie: I'd like to make an offer, but for those reasons, I'm out!
18.09.2024Volume jesus
18.09.2024why is the volume so low in these videos? the video quality is not good either…
18.09.2024Stuart Little volume
18.09.2024They dont need a damn shark. Why even try to get bigger. 7 million a year and can grow on their own.
18.09.2024Holly Molly !!! 😂😂😂. What a turnaround!!
18.09.2024I went to Harvard and have a PHD
I've been to the moon
I've worked for Google and Microsoft
I've traded billions of dollars on Wallstreet
I'm currently working on a cure for the common cold
I volunteer to help starving kids in poor countries
If I missed anything I'm sorry.
18.09.2024wht tf audio so low? such a big show., Cant even figure out audio quality on YT.
18.09.2024why is the volume so low on a lot of these videos?