Links are in the description:
MiSTer Core: C64_20220216.rbf
My wife playing Turdle, the queen of word games. 🙂
How to Play:
Enter 5 letters and a GREEN letter means it is a correct letter in the correct place.
A BLUE letter is a correct letter but in the wrong place.
A GREY letter is a letter that is not used in the guess word.
Get ALL GREEN to complete a word successfully!
Author Roysterini
Code/Gfx – Roysterini
Music/SFX – Magnar
Splash Screen and Linking by Docster
Instructions viewer by Scroll
PETSCII instructions by Rotteroy and Roysterini
MiSTer Sellers:
– (Mini-ITX Ironclad Plus)
Mister FPGA Wiki Project:
Mister Forum discussion:
MiSTer RGB 15kHz compatibility:
Sorgelig’s MiSTer Cores:
MiSTer Facebook Group:
#MiSTerFPGA #C64 #Wordle #BBS