Learn the rules to the board game Tapple quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to collect 3 cards. Remove the cards from the storage compartment. Turn on the unit and set it right side up on the table. Pick a player to go first them play proceeds clockwise. Draw a category card and pick one category from either side and read it aloud. If you pick “Player’s choice”, then you get to make up whatever category you want. To start the round, press the center button and play begins.

On your turn, you have 10 seconds to give an answer to the category that starts with an available letter on the Tapple wheel. Once you give your answer, press down on the corresponding letter that your answer starts with, then press the center button, then your turn ends and the next player has 10 seconds. Players may not give an answer that starts with a letter that has already been used.

If you fail to give a correct answer when the time runs out, or you give an answer that doesn’t fit the category as decided by the majority of the players, or you press down a letter to an unaccepted answer, then you are eliminated from the round. The next player taps the button and play continues skipping you. Keep playing until only one player remains, then that player wins the round and collects the category card in front of them.

To start the next round, draw a new card and push the release lever to reset the keys. While playing, if all the letters are used and there are still multiple players remaining in the round, then play an overtime round with a new category card. Reset the letters but now each player must give two answers on their turn instead of one. If multiple players survive the overtime round, then repeat with 3 answers each turn.

The first player to collect 3 category cards, wins!