Learn the rules to the board game Hangman quickly and concisely – This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to guess the word before the character is hung. Setup: draw gallows. One person, the puzzle giver, thinks of a word, phrase or sentence, and draws a row of dashes representing each letter of the word. Proper nouns and slang words are not allowed. The other player guesses letters, one at a time, until they fill in the word or lose. The puzzle giver may not change the word in the middle of the game.

Each time a correct letter is guessed from the word, the puzzle giver fills in all the corresponding empty dashes with that letter for the word. If the letter doesn’t belong to the word, draw it on the side for reference and add another appendage to the stick man hangman. The stick man consists of a head, body, 2 arms and 2 legs. Alternately you can add more detail to the stick man to give the guesser more tries.

If the stick man is completed before the word is guessed, then the puzzle giver wins. If the word is filled in before the stick man is completed then the guessing player wins.