Learn the rules to the board game Blank Slate quickly and concisely – This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to reach 25 points. Layout the score board and give each player a slate and dry-erase marker. Write in the player names next to their matching color on the score board. Pick one player to be the first “Selector”. The selector draws a word cue from the draw side of the box, reads it aloud, then places it face-up on the table. Every other player must now write an answer on their slate based on the cue that they think only 1 other player will also choose.

The word cues are common word phrases that are missing their front or back half. Answers then try to fill in those blanks appropriately. Answers must be a single word. They can be any word, but they may not be a single letter. Answers can be a single syllable or word that forms a compound word, or a word that creates a proper noun.

Once everyone has written an answer then all players reveal their answers and points are scored. Each player who has a unique answer that no other player wrote down, scores 0 points. Each player who has an answer that 3 or more total players wrote down, scores 1 point. Each player who has an answer that exactly 1 other player wrote down, scores 3 points. Points are marked on the score board.

The selector discards the card to the box and role of the selector rotates clockwise by one and a new round is played. Play continues until 1 player has 25 or more points, then that player is the winner.