In this video I show you how I coded a wordle word finder from scratch!
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0:00 Intro
0:15 Demo
1:12 Framework setup
1:46 Index and Global defines setup
2:43 Database overview
2:58 Database setup
4:26 Populating the database
7:54 Front end setup
13:46 Wordle Word Finder JavaScript object
16:04 Page HTML body structure
19:53 Question mark helper lIstener
20:42 Game board HTML
22:41 Find button and results HTML
23:42 On screen keyboard HTML
27:00 Setup event listeners function
27:15 HTML body keyup eventl listener
28:17 Updating a game board tile
29:43 Updating a game board tile HTML
32:14 Finding and displaying words function
32:45 Show warning function
33:29 On screen keyboard click listener
33:50 Game board tile click listener
35:18 Find button click listener
35:40 Data structure for AJAX $_POST request
37:07 Populate request data structure
40:58 AJAX call and response from server
48:24 Update UI with AJAX results
50:08 Outro
#wordle #programming #developer #coding
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