How to unlock exit gate in Basement:

How to Quickly Complete the Hello Neighbor Act 1, How to get the Red Key for the basement. Hey, my name is Aamir, and welcome to the GtxHdGamer YouTube Channel, the first time I am uploading a walkthrough of any video game. It’s a good and new experience for me, it’s just what I started.

▶▶ Hello Neighbor Act 3 Walkthrough: (Mission 1)

In Act one there is nothing on the ground floor of the game, all you need to do go to the neighbor’s house rooftop. You need some boxes to climb the rooftop, on the 1st floor, there is the red key but the door is locked. Unlock all the things on the 1st floor. Grab the car key and get an electromagnet from the car.

Use the electromagnet in the back of the house to get the silver key open the silver gate and grab the yellow Wrench to unlock the back ladder which directly goes to the red key room from the rooftop.

Thanks for watching Hello Neighbor Act 1 Gameplay walkthrough hope you like the video, give me some support by liking this video and if you have any question please ask me in the comment section.